
Luke is unavailable, but you can change that!

Luke’s Gospel is about salvation. It is filled with Jesus’ encounters with lost, often marginalized people and the change he brought to their lives. Luke carefully sets his narrative both in the historical context of its day and within the prophetic context of God’s larger salvation history. In this commentary, noted scholar R. T. France provides valuable historical, theological, and practical...

calling. But the fringe audience will not be forgotten, as in 6:46 Jesus questions the reality of the discipleship of some of those he addresses. The woes of 6:24–26 are perhaps directed more to that wider part of his audience. Blessed are you who are poor. Here is the “good news to the poor” that was promised in 4:18. Luke’s wording gives no indication that the poverty here is anything but literal. The “poor” disciples will be contrasted in 6:24 with the “rich” who are comfortably off in this world.
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